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Organizations are means to allocate resources to serve the company objectives as defined by its strategy. As the business evolves, even though the company objectives may have not materially changed, the alignment of resources needs to adapt. Whether it be a new technological breakthrough, new distribution channels, or new sourcing for major components of the products, ... the organization needs to constantly ensure an optimal allocation of resources within the company. 
But changes in organizations create turbulence because of their perceived risk, their potential impact on employees' scope of responsibility, and worst sometimes, their threats to the long existing and heavily defended boundaries of departmental control. Inherent in human nature, these obstacles should however, never interfere with organization structures, as, by definition, they limit the optimization of resource allocation. One should eradicate these obstacles with the same determination and vehemence that one would display if food supplies were improperly distributed in devastated areas of the globe.  
Think of it : your resources are as crucial to the long term performance of your business as these rice packs unloaded by helicopter are to the survival of a starving population. 
With an independent view and an eye unbiased by too long association with a company's history, CEOACH assesses first the fit between the company's objectives and its resource allocation, and then determines the strengths and weaknesses of the current organization. After a review of the cost-benefit trade-off of potential changes, CEOACH, in close dialogue with you the manager, prioritizes the necessary steps towards optimization, reviews areas of key support in the change implementation, prepares communication strategy; it also lays out milestones for scheduled reviews of change implementation and new organization performance evaluation. 
Organizations are always unique and part of a company's heritage, which makes any change to it sensitive and unique. Read attached references as case studies which can rarely be transposed as such, even within the same sector. 



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